Saturday, February 19, 2011

Waathirika wa mabomu kufidiwa Tanzania

Nyumba iliyoporomoka baada ya mlipuko
Wakati wakazi wa jiji la Dar es salaam wakiendelea kutafakari juu ya milipuko ya mabomu katika kambi ya kijeshi ya Gongo la Mboto na athari zake kwa maisha ya watu na mali, Rais Jakaya Kikwete wa Tanzania ametoa taarifa maalum kuhusu maafa hayo.

Taarifa hiyo ilijaa ahadi za serikali kuwasaidia waathirika wa milipuko hiyo pamoja na ndugu wa watu waliofariki dunia kwa kuwapatia fidia

Katika taarifa yake kwa vyombo vya habari amelielezea tukio hilo kuwa maafa makubwa kwa taifa kutokana na watu kupoteza maisha na mali zao na pia jeshi kupoteza hazina yake ya silaha baada ya maghala 23 kuteketezwa na moto.

Serikali imetangaza kugharamia mazishi ya marehemu popote ndugu zao watakapoamua wakazikwe na baadaye ndugu hao wa marehemu watapatiwa kifuta machozi ambacho hata hivyo hikijatamkwa bayana ni kiasi gani.

Mlipuko Dar es Salaam
Rais Kikwete ambaye ametembelea eneo la tukio na kuwafariji majeruhi wa ajali hiyo katika hospitali mbalimbali za Dar es Salaam walikolazwa,
amesema serikali pia itagharamia matibabu yao na watakaporuhusiwa kutoka hospitali, nao watalipwa kifuta machozi kwa ulemavu walioupata,
ambapo baadhi yao wamepoteza viungo vya miili yao ikiwemo mikono na miguu.

Taarifa hiyo pia imeviagiza vyombo husika kuwahudumia wananchi waliopoteza makaazi yao na waliolazimika kuyakimbia kwa nia ya kuokoa maisha yao kwa kuwapatia haraka makazi ya muda na huduma za malazi, chakula, maji, afya na usafi wa mazingira.

Pia vyombo husika vimeagizwa kuzitambua mapema nyumba, wenye nyumba na kuhakikisha matayarisho na tathmini vinafanyika ili watu hao walipwe fidia inayostahili bila kuchelewa.

Ahadi kama hii ya serikali pia ilitolewa mwaka 2009 baada ya milipuko ya mabomu ya Mbagala,
lakini wengi wa waathirika walilamikia kukosa msaada huo kutokana na usimamizi mbovu,

ambapo wengi walilalamikia upendeleo katika tathmini hususan ya nyumba zilizoharibiwa na kuambulia kupata kiasi kisichokidhi ujenzi mpya wa nyumba zao.

Milipuko ya Gongo la Mboto imesababisha vifo vya watu 20 na mamia wengine kujeruhiwa, huku uharibifu mkubwa wa mali ukionekana.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Siku ya wapendanao

Siku ya wapendanao ni sikukuu ambayo huadhimishwa kila ifikapo tarehe 14 Februari ya kila mwaka (Valentine Day).

Historia yake imeanzia karne ya 3 huko Roma ambapo alikuwapo mtakatifu valentine au Valentinus. Kaisari wakati huo alikuwa Claudius II yeye aliona kuwa askari mkakamavu na bora zaidi ni yule asiyeoa wala kuwa na familia (kapera).
Hivyo alipiga marufuku ndoa kwa askari. Mtakatifu Valentinus alipinga jambo hili hivyo kuendelea kufungisha ndoa kwa siri. Mfalme Claudius alipopata habari hizi aliamuru kukamatwa kwa Valentinus na kuuwawa.

Kuna hadithi ya kuwa akiwa gerezani mtakatifu Valentinus aliandika barua ambayo ilikuwa na salamu za kwanza za valentine kwa binti aliyekuja kumsalimia gerezani, mwisho wa barua alihitimisha kwa maneno haya (From your Valentine). Toka hapa valentine anakumbukwa kama mtetezi wawapendanao na siku hii kuadhimishwa kote duniani

Sunday, January 9, 2011

You know when you have trust

Trust. You know when you have trust; you know when you don't have trust. Yet, what is trust and how is trust usefully defined for the workplace? Can you build trust when it doesn’t exist? How do you maintain and build upon the trust you may currently have in your workplace? These are important questions for today’s rapidly changing world.

Trust forms the foundation for effective communication, employee retention, and employee motivation and contribution of discretionary energy, the extra effort that people voluntarily invest in work.

When trust exists in an organization or in a relationship, almost everything else is easier and more comfortable to achieve.

In reading about trust, I was struck by the number of definitions that purportedly describe trust in understandable ways - but don’t. According to Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr. in his 1993 dissertation, A Construct of Trust, "There exists today, no practical construct of Trust that allows us to design and implement organizational interventions to significantly increase trust levels between people. We all think we know what Trust is from our own experience, but we don't know much about how to improve it. Why? I believe it is because we have been taught to look at Trust as if it were a single entity."

The Three Constructs of Trust
Tway defines trust as, "the state of readiness for unguarded interaction with someone or something." He developed a model of trust that includes three components. He calls trust a construct because it is "constructed" of these three components: "the capacity for trusting, the perception of competence, and the perception of intentions."

Thinking about trust as made up of the interaction and existence of these three components makes “trust” easier to understand. The capacity for trusting means that your total life experiences have developed your current capacity and willingness to risk trusting others.

The perception of competence is made up of your perception of your ability and the ability of others with whom you work to perform competently at whatever is needed in your current situation. The perception of intentions, as defined by Tway, is your perception that the actions, words, direction, mission, or decisions are motivated by mutually-serving rather than self-serving motives.

Why Trust Is Critical in a Healthy Organization
How important is building a trusting work environment? According to Tway, people have been interested in trust since Aristotle. Tway states, “Aristotle (384-322 BC), writing in the Rhetoric, suggested that Ethos, the Trust of a speaker by the listener, was based on the listener's perception of three characteristics of the speaker.

"Aristotle believed these three characteristics to be the intelligence of the speaker (correctness of opinions, or competence), the character of the speaker (reliability - a competence factor, and honesty - a measure of intentions), and the goodwill of the speaker (favorable intentions towards the listener).” I don’t think this has changed much even today.

Additional research by Tway and others shows that trust is the basis for much of the environment you want to create in your work place. Trust is the necessary precursor for:

•feeling able to rely upon a person,
•cooperating with and experiencing teamwork with a group,
•taking thoughtful risks, and
•experiencing believable communication.

What Is A Leader Maishani?

At the most basic level, a leader is someone who leads other. But what makes someone a leader? What is it about being a leader that some people understand and use to their advantage? What can you do to be a leader? Here's what you need to know and do.
A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen. Let's look at each of those in detail.

The Leader's Vision
A leader has a vision. Leaders see a problem that needs to be fixed or a goal that needs to be achieved. It may be something that no one else sees or simply something that no one else wants to tackle. Whatever it is, it is the focus of the leaders attention and they attack it with a single-minded determination.

Whether the goal is to double the company's annual sales, develop a product that will solve a certain problem, or start a company that can achieve the leader's dream, the leader always has a clear target in mind. This is a big picture sort of thing, not the process improvement that reduces errors by 2% but the new manufacturing process that completely eliminates the step that caused the errors. It is the new product that makes people say "why didn't I think of that", not just a toaster that lets you select the degree of darkness of the toast. Edison did not set out to build a better candle, he wanted to find a whole new way to illuminate the darkness. That's the kind of vision a leader has.

The Drive To See It Through
It is not enough to just have a vision. Lots of people see things that should be done, things that should be fixed, great step forward that could be taken. What makes leaders different is that they act. They take the steps to achieve their vision.
Is it a passion for the idea, an inner sense of drive, or some sense of commitment? Whatever it is, it is the strength that lets leaders move their vision forward despite all the obstacles, despite all the people saying it can't be done, it's too costly, we tried that before, or a dozen other excuses. The true leader perseveres and moves forward.

Trait And Skills A Leader Must Have
There are things that set leaders apart from other people. Some people are born with these characteristics. Others develop them as they improve as leaders. These are not magic bullets. They are things you can do and be if you want to be a leader.
Traits Of A Leader
There are as many traits of a leader as there ae lists of what makes a leader. Here are the fundamental traits of a leader from my perspective:
•Has integrity. People have to believe that you are pursuing your dream because it's the right thing to do, not just because you are ego driven.
•Is a people person. Understands the differences that make people unique and is able to use those individual skills to achieve the goal.
•Is positive. A leader encourages and rewards people and makes you want to do it and do it right. A leader is not a negative person and doesn't waste time and effort tellng everyone what they're doing wrong.
Leadership Skills
Beyond the personal traits of a leader, there are specific skills someone must master if they want to be a leader.
•Effective communication - it's more than just being able to speak and write. A leader's communication must move people to work toward the goal the leader has chosen.
•Motivation - a leader has to be able to motivate everyone to contribute. Each of us has different "buttons". A leader knows how to push the right buttons on everyone to make them really want to do their best to achieve the leader's goal.
•Planning - the leader has a plan to achieve the goal. He/she doesn't get too bogged down in the details, that's what managers are for, but rather uses a high level plan to keep everyone moving together toward the goal.
Bottom Line
Leaders dream dreams. They refuse to let anyone or anything get in the way of achieving those dreams. They are realistic, but unrelenting. They are polite, but insistent. The constantly and consistently drive forward toward their goal. You can be a leader. You will be - when it matters enough to you.

VIDEO - Wananchi Wanapochoshwa na Maisha Magumu

Hali ngumu ya maisha, ukosefu wa ajira na mfumuko wa bei ulipelekea wananchi nchini Tunisia kuamua kuandamana kuung'oa utawala wa miaka 27 wa rais wa nchi hiyo, hali hiyo sasa imehamia nchini Misri ambapo wananchi waliochoshwa na utawala wa miaka 30 wa rais Hosni Mubarak.
Wananchi wa Misri nao wameamua kuwaiga wananchi wa Tunisia kwa kuandamana nchi nzima kuung'oa utawala wa miaka 30 wa rais Hosni Mubarak.

Nchini Tunisia wananchi waliochoshwa na hali ngumu ya maisha kutokana na ukosefu wa ajira, rushwa na mfumuko wa bei waliamua kuandamana baada ya mchuuzi mmoja wa mboga mboga wa nchini humo kuamua kujiua kwa kujichoma moto kupinga rushwa katika serikali ya Tunisia.

Hali kama hiyo inatokea hivi sasa nchini Misri ambapo wiki iliyopita watu kadhaa nchini humo walijichoma moto wakiiga kitendo cha mchuuzi huyo wa mboga mboga wa Tunisia.

Kesi ya kijana Khaled Said anayesemekana kuuliwa na polisi wa Misri mwaka jana nayo imechochea watu wengi kuingia mitaani wakitaka utawala wa miaka 30 wa Hosni Mubarak ufikie kikomo.

"Tumechoshwa sasa, hii sasa inatosha", alisema Sayid Abdelfatah, mwenye umri wa miaka 38 ambaye aliandamana mitaani akiwa amebeba bendera ya Misri.

"Mapinduzi ya Tunisia yamenipa hamasa ya kuungana na watu kuipinga serikali, kwakweli sikufikiria kama watu wengi kiasi hicho ", alisema.

Karibia nusu ya watu milioni 80 wa nchini Misri wanaishi chini ya mstari wa umaskini wakiishi kwa kipato kisichofika hata dola mbili kwa siku.

Kiwango kibaya cha elimu, huduma duni za afya na idadi kubwa ya watu wasio na ajira ndio chanzo kilichopelekea asilimia kubwa ya watu kukosa mahitaji muhimu.

Polisi wa Misri ambao wamekuwa wakidaiwa kuogopeka kwa kutumia nguvu zaidi panapozuka ghasia, wamekuwa wakitumia mabomu ya machozi kuwatawanya waandamanaji.

Watu watatu wameishafariki hadi sasa kutokana na ghasia hizo zinazoendelea nchini Misri.

Chini ni VIDEO ya maandamano yanayoendelea nchini Misri.

VIDEO - Wananchi Wanapochoshwa na Maisha Magumu

Mapenzi ni nini Maishani?

Mapenzi ni idadi kadhaa ya hisia zinazohusiana na mahaba [1] pendo na hata upendo wa Kimungu.

Neno "kupenda" linaweza kurejelea aina za hisia, hali na mitazamo tofauti, kuanzia ridhaa ya jumla ("Napenda chakula hicho"), hadi mvuto mkali kati ya watu ( "Nampenda mume wangu"). Uanuwai wa matumizi na maana, pamoja na utata wa hisia zinazohusika, hufanya kuwe na ugumu katika ufafanuzi wa dhana hii, hata ikilinganishwa na hali zingine za kihisia.

Kidhahania, mapenzi kwa kawaida yanarejelea hisia za ndani, zisizoelezeka, za kudumu kwa mtu mwingine. Hata hivyo, maelezo haya finyu pia yanashirikisha hisia tofauti, kutoka hamu na urafiki wa kimahaba na ukaribu wa kihisia wa kifamilia na kitaamuli, usiohusisha ngono [2] hadi umoja wa kina au ibada ya upendo] wa kidini. [3]

Mapenzi katika aina zake mbalimbali husimamia mafungamano kati ya binadamu na, kutokana na umuhimu wake mkuu wa kisaikolojia, ni mojawapo ya maudhui yanayopatikana sana katika sanaa


Neno la Kiingereza "love" linaweza kuwa na maana tofauti, lakini zinazohusiana, katika miktadha tofauti. Mara nyingi, lugha nyingine hutumia maneno mbalimbali kueleza baadhi ya dhana tofauti ambazo lugha ya Kiingereza hutumia neno "love" kurejelea; mfano mmoja ni wingi wa maneno ya Kigiriki yanayorejelea "mapendo". Tofauti za utamaduni katika kufafanua mapenzi hivyo, hufanya liwe jambo gumu kuanzisha ufafanuzi bia wowote. [4]

Ingawa desturi au chanzo cha mapenzi ni suala ambalo hujadiliwa mara kwa mara, sura tofauti ya neno hili zinaweza kuwekwa wazi kwa kuamua ni nini ambacho sio mapenzi. Kama njia ya kawaida ya kuonyesha hisia chanya (aina kubwa ya kupenda), mapenzi kwa kawaida hulinganuliwa na chuki (au kutojali); kama upendo ambao umegemea zaidi kwenye uhusiano wa kirafiki kuliko wa kingono, mapenzi kwa kawaida hulinganuliwa na tamaa, na kama uhusiano kati ya watu, unaohusisha mahaba, mapenzi hulinganuliwa na urafiki, ingawa fdesturi zingine za neno mapenzi zinaweza kutumika kwa urafiki wa karibu katika miktadha fulani.

Wakati yanapojadiliwa katika hali dhahania, mapenzi kwa kawaida yanarejelea upendo kati ya watu, hisia alizo nazo mtu kuhusu mtu mwingine. Mapenzi mara nyingi yanahusisha kutunza au kujiainisha na mtu au kitu, ikiwa ni pamoja na nafsi ya mtu.

Aidha, katika tofauti za-kiutamaduni katika kuelewa mapenzi, mawazo kuhusu mapenzi pia yamebadilika sana na mpito wa wakati. Baadhi ya wanahistoria wanahusisha dhana za kisasa za mapenzi ya kimahaba na Ulaya wakati au baada ya enzi ya kati, ingawa kuwepo kwa mahusiano ya kimahaba kabla ya wakati huo kunaonyeshwa na ushairi wa kimapenzi wa kale. [5]

Mikono miwili ikiunganika kutengenezea umbo la moyo.Kutokana na utata na udhahania wa mapenzi, mjadala juu ya mapenzi kwa kawaida hupunguzwa hadi maneno yaliyopitwa na wakati, na kuna mithali kadhaa kuhusu mapenzi, mojawapo ikiwa ile ya Vergilio ya kuwa "Pendo hushinda yote" na ile ya Beatles "All you need is love" (Unachohitaji ni mapenzi tu).

Bertrand Russell anaelezea mapenzi kama hali ya "thamani kamili", kinyume na thamani inayobadilika.

Mwanafalsafa Gottfried Leibniz alisema kwamba mapenzi ni "kuwa na furaha tele kutokana na furaha ya mwingine."

Mapenzi yasiyohusishwa na mtu maalum

Mtu anaweza kusemekana kuwa anapenda nchi, kanuni, au lengo ikiwa anaithamini sana na kuizingatia kwa makini. Vilevile, mapenzi ya huduma za huruma na wafanyakazi wa kujitolea ' "upendo" ya kazi yao yanaweza kutokana na mapenzi yasiyohusishwa na kitu pamoja na utu na imani za kisiasa badada ya mapenzi kati ya watu. Watu pia wanaweza "kupenda" vitu, wanyama, au shughuli ikiwa wao wenyewe watajitolea kutagusana au kwa vinginevyo kujihusisha na vitu vile. Ikiwa tamaa ya kingono pia inashirikishwa, hali hii inaitwa 'paraphilia'.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How girls find a good lover - how to select your husband / lover / partner for life ??

Many points have already been published and are valid for both
girls searching a man for life
men searching for a lover girl for eternity

girls have to be picky
to be pregnant from the wrong one feels and is like a disaster lasting years or a lifetime !!
men as well are tricky and hide their ego and weakness behind walls of tricks and silly ego-games

when you see the one you find attractive
test his true love FIRST
look what he is doing FOR others
look how he is treating OTHERS - foreigners to him
look how much he cares FOR any other person, culture, country or all creation
is what he has the gift of his father / mother / others or the result of his own productive work - his own creation from scratch or a mere disguise/repacking of other people's hard work ??
how much of his income does he spend for HIS lifestyle and how little / much does he spend for the wellbeing of OTHERS

a truly loving husband always has a VERY substantial share of love, resources, time, work and money FOR others in his heart

a man however who only carries credit cards or ATM cards obviously is used to seldom or never spontaneously share or help

a man spending substantial amounts for his lifestyle, cloths, car, gadgets, vacation, etc has little left to truly love and help OTHERS

a man who bargains ab out price
a man who just "gets by" in life tries to get the maximum benefit FROM others for the least effort from his part - hence he is STINGY in all aspects of life - toward you, his children and all his loved ones as well

such men are poor lovers and may never satisfy your need and hunger for true sincere divine love

look what a man HAS already achieved in life
did or does he work with his body, mind and hands
or does he let others do the dirty work

does he reuse or modify products or services MADE BY OTHERS or does he create from scratch all his own work ??
is he merely a RE-seller or re-packer of other people's services or products
or does he really do, invent and create out of his very own useful services and products ??

chose the one whose life is mainly the product of his very own efforts
a man free from his parents
a man free from other people's influence
a man strong enough to DO what FEELS right even if all society or culture may think differently
a man who is can can be loyal to HIS heart rather than loyal to his employer, bank and income
a man who loves to love and is ready to sacrifice a higher salary for a more loving, harder, dirtier or more useful job

a man who fears never can make happy
a man who fears never can carry you home to God
a man who follows orders rather than being his own boss is a weak slave of stronger ones and thus a poor lover

a man who wants to possess you
a man who wants to marry you
is a man with a weak love - hence he wants to attache you by legal means rather than attract you by the power of his true love

a truly loving man is the one whose aura makes you feel GOOD
an aura that you can actually FEEL whenever you are within the same house or room
an aura that gives you the feeling of security, coziness, being loved,
an aura that makes you feel comfortable being who you are - a female girl
an aura that satisfies your needs of true love by making you relaxed, happy and gives you the "butterflies" all over - inside and outside - to FEEL loved by him

be demanding and never accept any excuses nor any "later"
a man always has to prove love from the very first seconds and minutes
be ready to test his love be ready to love be ready to BE loved
instantly and fully

a man who wants to use condom or any similar method of "contraception" rejects any possibility to FALL in love - and postpones any serious decision of his mind AND heart to a later time ... later may be a few years, decades or after death!!
the right one is ready for TRUE and FULL love at once from the very first second
love at first glance from he bottom of HIS heart
to the center of YOUR heart ...

and what about YOUR heart-decision ?? NOW or later or never ?? if love is what you want
then love is what you need to accept AND GIVE as well
from the first seconds of course
ALL or NOTHING at all
NOW or never

everything else is but a waste of time
a waste of time means a waste of fun-time
a waste of time also means a waste of resources of many kind

we all have but ONE life to live, to love, to enjoy and to have fun
and that ONE life may last eternally and thus far beyond this physical lifetime

a day without true love
a day at the side of a wrong one - man or girl